Developed by JAM Group and Rankin Corp, the proposal includes a three storey local shopping centre, providing a range of specialty store tenancies, services, medical centre, child care, gym retail, dining, Coles supermarket and services station across the corner site.
“It sits on a very prominent intersection and the main connection point out to Caboolture West”.
“You’ve got 6,000 odd lots that have been approved just in this catchment alone so it’s a huge growth area”.
“If we include Lend Lease and Kimna Valley (approved) this then grows to 6691 lots or an increased population of 18000, again this is based on today’s approvals and this will grow significantly over the coming years,” Mr Costello said.
Development Details
– Coles Supermarket
– Service Station
– Zoned retail tenancy
– Medical Centre
– Childcare Centre
– Medical
– Dining
– Gym
– Specialty Tenancies
– Public Space