Behold the Gold Coast.
Sixth largest city on the Australian continent. Non-existent
at the time of the 1954 census but today a metropolis of
more than 600,000 residents.
The Beyond the Horizon Report, produced by leading
Australian demographer Bernard Salt, takes a look at what
the Gold Coast might look like by the middle of the twenty
first century.
In the report, Bernard takes a look back over the past
50 years to see how far the Gold Coast has come and
looks forward in terms of population projections, social
change, economic and cultural change; while providing
a view of what he believes will be important to the Gold
Coast in 2050.
View Gold Coast House and Land Packages here.
Beyond the Horizon – Full Report
What will the Gold Coast look like in 2050? Beyond the Horizon paints a picture of what this truly remarkable city will look like.